
Seven candidates announced for IOC presidency

PanathIon International Assembly, the AlpeAdria of sport joins the Council.

EOC in Bucharest: Lignano will host the EYOF 2027

EOC signs historic MOU with Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and Turkish Olympic Committee ahead of 2027 European Games
- AIPS erxepts of the IOC presidential candidates
- Dolomiti Valtellina to host the 2028 Winter Youth Olympic Games
- Bach’s potential successors set to woo IOC voters at 143rd Extraordinary Session in Lausanne
- IOC EC proposes Tony Estanguet for election as IOC Member
- IOC: Communiqué of the 13th Olympic Summit
- ” Sport as an Enabler of Sustainable Development” highlighted By UNO General Assembly
- Morinari Watanabe re-elected as FIG President

AIPS erxepts of the IOC presidential candidates

Dolomiti Valtellina to host the 2028 Winter Youth Olympic Games

Bach’s potential successors set to woo IOC voters at 143rd Extraordinary Session in Lausanne

IOC EC proposes Tony Estanguet for election as IOC Member

IOC: Communiqué of the 13th Olympic Summit

” Sport as an Enabler of Sustainable Development” highlighted By UNO General Assembly

Morinari Watanabe re-elected as FIG President


Olympic athletes call for peace from the Olympic Village – IOC President Bach: “You are the peace ambassadors of our time”

The FIG Yearbook 2023 is now available online

IOC President Thomas Bach remebers with sympathy the “Senza Confini” bid for the Winter Olympic Games

World Athletics introduces prize money for Olympic gold medallists

The Project
This site is part of a common communication project of the Panathlon Clubs in the heart of Alpe Adria. A common goal unites the Panathlon Clubs of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Kärnten, Steiermark, Slovenija and USSI (Italian sports press union) Friuli Venezia Giulia …

The Newsletter
The Panathlon newsletter aims to inform members and sports lovers about its initiatives and local sports news. It also contains information from the world of national and international sport starting from those of the Olympic movement (IOC, NOCs, IFs) and specialized media …

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Panathlon is an international movement for the promotion and dissemination of sporting culture and ethics, according to the official recognition of the IOC, and aims to deepen, disseminate and defend the values of sport understood as a tool for training and enhancing the person and as a vehicle of …