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The project


This site is part of a common communication project of the Panathlon Clubs in the Heart of Alpe Adria.

A common goal unites the Panathlon Clubs of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Kärnten, Steiermark, Slovenija and USSI (Italian Sports Press Union) Friuli Venezia Giulia:

– make information on the sports organization of the participating countries mutually accessible and understandable

– spread the news on sporting activity both in one’s own linguistic area and in neighboring ones

– offer free interregional communication of “minor” sports activities with a particular focus on youth, Paralympic and sports for all

– encourage interregional exchange between practitioners

– train young sports journalists

– give useful content for sports (Dictionary of sports terms, illustration of the rules of the various disciplines, etc.).

Sponsors are Panathlon District Italy and Panathlon International

Patronage: National Olympic Committe of  Friuli ´Venezia Giulia.

The project includes three related actions:

– web platform with innovative applications

– Cross-border online training internships for Young Sports Journalists

– Online dictionary of winter sports terms.

The platform

It is the headquarters of cross-border information, online editing and newsletters.

It is connected to all the sites of partner organizations, such as this one, in order to automate the dissemination of news based on the interest they have.

Automated tools allow you to overcome language barriers by providing understandable translations of information originally published in another language.

The heart of the platform is the software that allows the simplified insertion of contents (news, articles, images, etc.) directly by authorized subjects, who will be able to do so with computer knowledge at the level of ability to send an e-mail!

It also contains applications for and sending newsletters as well as generating printable bulletins and applications for managing multimedia content. Obviously the system will facilitate the relaunch of news via social networks.


– Make information on the organizational structure of the sport accessible to each other – Activate a journalistic editorial team at the service of grassroots sport.

– Promote sporting activity in general and events thanks to the maximum ease of publication and their dissemination.

– Training of young journalists

Internships dedicated to European and multilingual journalism training for young people (under 25) from Friuli Venezia Giulia, Kärnten, Slovenija …..

The students, assisted by professionals and experts, will refine journalistic and communication techniques, learn the mechanics of a major sporting event and produce a newsletter and video services for documentation.

They will use the digital platform created by Panathlon to which they can access as a single editorial team.

The teachers will be made available by USSI which will organize the collaboration of the corresponding Carinthian and Slovenian associations. The press releases and the newsletter will be published in four languages (English, German, Italian and Slovenian).


Training young journalists in a cross-border culture and with a particular focus on sport. The students, whose mother tongue is different, will learn the most advanced journalistic techniques.

Quadrilingual ONLINE dictionary of sports terms

Progressive drafting of a quadrilingual dictionary (Italian, German, Slovenian and English) of the terms used in winter sports with the relative definitions. The knowledge and appropriate use of sports terms in one’s own language and in those of our neighboring facilities.


– Promote the recovery of the use of their own languages in sporting events for all by facilitating participation in inter-regional events.

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