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New IOC-OECD guidelines to offer practical resources to help Games organisers deliver successful events

19 Oct 2023

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) are continuing their cooperation in the context of the organisation of major sports events. They have launched new guidelines to help the organising committees of large-scale international events navigate and manage the complexity of hosting these projects and help mitigate risks. They follow the recent publications aimed at measuring the long-term impacts of global events.

The “Guidelines on the Effective Delivery of Infrastructure and Associated Services in the Context of the Olympic Games” cover selected dimensions of specific challenges for the organising committees, such as institutional set-up and organisational management, sustainability and legacy, stakeholder and citizen participation, and programme management. In addition, they include good practices from previous Games organisers and lessons learnt from the procurement for large infrastructure projects. 

During the drafting process, important input was provided by the Organising Committees for the Olympic Games (OCOGs) of Paris 2024, Milano Cortina 2026 and Los Angeles 2028 and the Organising Committee for the Youth Olympic Games Dakar 2026, all of which shared their experiences and best practices in this important field.

To read the entire article on the IOC website please CLICK HERE

Source IOC News – Picture ©hxdbzxy/

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