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IOC releases Olympic Agenda 2020+5 Midway Report Highlights

09 Oct 2023 The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has today released the Olympic Agenda 2020+5 Midway Report Highlights ahead of the upcoming 141st IOC Session in Mumbai, India. This document, published as Olympic Agenda 2020+5 reaches its halfway mark, outlines the key progress to date. It will be discussed by the Session. 

Adopted in March 2021 as the strategic roadmap of the IOC and the wider Olympic Movement to guide our work through to 2025, Olympic Agenda 2020+5 builds on the achievements of Olympic Agenda 2020 that was adopted in December 2014 and contributed to shaping the Olympic Movement up to 2020. 

Olympic Agenda 2020+5 is a set of 15 recommendations that were inspired by five influential contemporary trends, all of which have been identified as areas where sport and the values of Olympism can play a key role. These trends are:
Sustainable development
Economic and financial resilience

Olympic Agenda 2020+5 is being delivered with the engagement and active participation of all constituents, stakeholders and partners of the Olympic Movement, including the United Nations (UN) and NGOs that support the mission and values of the Movement. Since its adoption, Olympic Agenda 2020+5 has already made a significant impact on the work of the IOC and the wider Olympic Movement.
Reflecting on the progress to date of Olympic Agenda 2020+5, IOC President Thomas Bach said, “Our world has changed in fundamental ways in recent years. As we anticipated at the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, we are now facing its far-reaching social, financial, economic and political consequences, which are exacerbated by the ongoing conflicts, wars and natural catastrophes that we must address. Olympic Agenda 2020+5 is our roadmap to prepare ourselves for this new world, and we can be proud of the progress that has been made across all 15 recommendations since it was adopted in March 2021. The accomplishments described in this Report are great examples of what we can achieve together, and are testament to the tremendous amount of work that has been carried out in partnership with our stakeholders. There is still more to be done, but we can already look forward to the Olympic Games Paris 2024 as the Games of a New Era, inspired by Olympic Agenda 2020 and Olympic Agenda 2020+5 from start to finish.” 

To read on the IOC website  the entire original article that reports the achievements to date beginning from Paris 2024, a new model for the Olympic Games please CLICK HERE

To download the report CLICK HERE

Picture ©IOC


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