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International Video Competition “SPORT, MOUNTAIN AND OLYMPISM” – SNOW & ICE SPORTS

Purpose and features of the 2023 project

,PANATHLON INTERNATIONAL DOMENICO CHIESA FOUNDATION (31 countries represented) and FICTS – Fédération Intérnationale Cinema Television Sportifs (130 Member countries) promote Olympic values and ethics in sport by organising the International Video Competition “SPORT, MOUNTAIN & OLYMPISM – SNOW & ICE SPORTS”

The aim of the competition is to promote the message of images that highlight the relationship between mountains, winter sports and Olympism and spread the values of the Panathletic Movement, a universal ideal of culture through sport and an educational tool for social change.

The FICTS – intends to enhance and promote the short film as an original form of expression, to encourage the creativity of those approaching filmmaking by offering the highest visibility through sport.


The competition is open to all professionals and non-professionals:

– filmmakers;

– new media;

– professionals and independents;

– winter and mountain sports lovers.


The new edition also aims to reach out to younger people through a new way of participation (see below) that involves the use of social media, a new form of ‘artistic expression’ for ‘GenerationZ’.

The video contest will be included, together with the official announcement of the cash prize, in the Official Rules of “SPORT MOVIES & TV 2023” (in the Short films section) so that professionals will be directly informed of the possibility of participating.

The video contest will also be extended to Schools through an official communication by FICTS and Panathlon International. Both schools and students can participate.

The video contest will be promoted on the official channels of FICTS, Panathlon International and its Clubs in the world. In order to spread as much as possible the existence of the competition, it is essential the activation of all Panathletes and Panathlon contact persons through their social channels asking visitors to “share” the launches that will appear in the newsletters and the social media of P.I. and the Foundation.


Free registration and submission of a video lasting between 30 sec. and 4 min. To participate, simply send your video through one of the following methods (all 3 valid):

  1. Sending the films via Wetransfer to Works that pass a first selection by the jury (with regard to thematic content, no rights violation, etc.) will be officially admitted to the contest and uploaded on the FICTS Youtube channel;
  2. Uploading to Facebook on the personal profile of the author(s) of the video by tagging the official profiles of @PanathlonInternational, @FondazioneDomenicoChiesa, @FictsFederation (it is necessary to tag all 3 profiles to be accepted).
  3. Uploading to Instagram as a Post/Reel on the personal profile of the author(s) of the video by tagging the official profiles of @PanathlonInternational, @FondazioneChiesa, @FictsFederation.

Instagram Stories will not be allowed.

Whichever way you choose to submit, it is necessary to tag all three official profiles @PanathlonInternational, @FondazioneDomenicoChiesa, @FictsFederation, otherwise they will not be accepted.

Works that meet the necessary standards for participation will be contacted by the FICTS, via Messenger or Instagram Direct, for official communications and, subsequently, the films will be uploaded to the FICTS YouTube channel.

No specific format techniques, editing, etc. are required. The aim of the Contest is to bring out the values expressed by Sport, Mountain and the principles of Olympism as a philosophy of life.

Rules and Entry Form are published in the Panathlon International website in the section Chiesa Foundation: CLICK HERE.

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