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FISU World Press Briefing: Chengdu opens its doors to the youth of the world through sports

CHENGDU, May 17, 2023 – “Chengdu makes your dreams come true” is the slogan chosen by the organizers of the FISU World University Games 2021. After two years of waiting, now in 2023, they see the light, thus making the dream of the inhabitants of the Chinese city come true: to show the world their love for sports. “Tradition and passion” are the two words with which Gu Xuebin, the executive vice president of the Executive Committee of the Chengdu 2021 World University Games, used to open the FISU World Press Media Briefing, which took place on Monday, May 15, 2023. In addition, he stressed the importance of this event as a window to promote the sports and culture of the city of Chengdu, which has a history of more than 2,000 years.
FISU WORLD PRESS BRIEFING A great place was chosen to hold the event, to show what they have prepared to host the media this summer.
The ballroom of Intercontinental Century hotel in Chengdu was the stage of the event and the presentation of the media operations was at the level of the IOC have for the Olympics or FIFA for a World Cup. Journalists from all regions of China, national and local media, as well as some international media representatives, were present.

MEDIA IS KEY “A very key event. A window to our friends in the media to show how we operate and how we help our friends in the media,” said Zhang Ruiqin, Member of the Party Group of the Chengdu Universiade Organizing Committee and Deputy Director-General of the Opening and Closing Ceremony Department.
“We will be dedicated to providing the best quality, high-efficiency, and convenient services for all the media”, is another phrase repeated in each of the games presentations. And the message is clear, the organizers of the Chengdu 2021 World University Games are committed to providing high-class services to the media that will attend the Games from all parts of the world.
“Because Chengdu is on the western side of China, not so many foreign friends come from abroad,” explained Kong Jing, Manager of the Media Operations department of Media (Opening and Closing ceremonies), Executive Committee of the Chengdu 2021 FISU Games. “We think that it’s a very good chance for us to understand each other and see us face to face, this is very important for us,” Ms Jing continued.
YOUNG REPORTERS PROGRAMME Another characteristic of the city of Chengdu is that it’s full of young people and the organizers believe in the importance of the new generations.
As a result, during the media briefing the Young Reporters Programme that FISU together with AIPS will organize during the FISU University Games in Chengdu was launched. So, the young generation of journalists will have the opportunity to learn more about their profession and cover this international event.
SPORTS, CULTURE AND… PANDAS! One clear thing is that those from the Sichuan region are very proud of their culture and sports is a way they show it to the world.
Chengdu is a surprising city, since, despite its 21 million habitants, it is a completely green city which has more than a hundred parks surrounding the city, making you think you are in a huge forest. But a modern forest where the buildings are also modern and cosmopolitan.
The signature of the city, and because of its fame, is the panda, and in Chengdu, you can find the panda everywhere. Street painting, panda cakes, decoration and of course, it’s possible to visit the real panda.
THE VENUES The facilities for the Games are of high quality. Modern stadiums and media centres with such equipment that you can compare with the ones of any top sports competition in the world. 49 venues will be used during the Games. 13 new venues and 36 renovated venues. 45 sports venues including 27 competition venues and 18 for training and warm-up.
LOOKING TO THE FUTURE After the Games, not everything will end there, the future of the facilities has already been planned: “We have new venues and rebuilt venues that will be the legacies of the FISU University Games. We will use these facilities for all the people here, locally, so they can’t be erased. The MMC will be transformed into a library and the venue for another event,” explained Jing. “The FISU University Games are the legacy for the future generations and what’s more, the local people, thanks to these Games, know more about the rest of the world.”

This indicates that this is only the beginning, a small step, a test for the city, which does not intend to end with these Games. Now we have to wait for the start of the Games and see in practice everything that Chengdu has shown us during this FISU World Press Media Briefing.

Source AIPS

Photo by FISU

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