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First meeting of AIOS in Lausanne

The General Assembly of AIOS (International Association of organisations for sports) met on the Forum of International Federations. AIOS is an association that groups international organisations and federations that deal with sport, chaired by Bruno Molea (CSIT) and to which Panathlon International belongs.

The Assembly was held at the PI Headquarters at the Maison du Sport in Lausanne at the same time as the IF Forum programme of Sportaccord. It was an opportunity to update on the state of work and to discuss future activities within the Olympic movement but also amateur sport. All this, with CSIT at its helm and the strong collaboration of Panathlon International, IMSA International Mind Sports Association, IAKS International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities, WMC World Martial Arts Masterships Committee, FICS International Federation for Sports Chiropractics and WTGF World Transplant Games Federation.

Comparing and listening: the best way to grow together!

(In the photo, from left to right Bradley Sandler – FICS, Melodie Hexhenry Panathlon International, Pierre Zappelli – President of Panathlon International – AIOS Council Member, Martin Isaksson President of FICS – AIOS Council member, Bruno Molea President of CSIT and AIOS, Valeria Gherardini – CSIT President office, Nook Brian of FICS, Geoffry Borg of IMSA, and Aios General Secretary. In the next photo, also Wolfgang Burghardt, CSIT General Secretary).

Source: Panathlon International

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