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Domenica 8 ottobre Gemona Sport Open Day

Gemona Sport Open Day is an entire day dedicated to the many disciplines that you can practice in the Gemona area, aimed at families and children in the area.

On Sunday 8 October at the Sports Center in via Velden, local sports clubs will make their activities known, from the most traditional sports to the lesser-known ones: football, basketball, rugby, athletics, fencing, cycling… just to name a few.

The program includes:
10:00 – 12:00 | Meeting and start of sporting activities
2.00pm – 4.30pm | Meeting and start of sporting activities
At 1pm | Pasta Party for everyone

An event that has been consolidated for years for the Municipal Administration, which recognizes sport, also through the Sportland project, as a powerful engine that involves a vast community of enthusiasts.

A philosophy that fully embraces the lines dictated by the European Union, which since 2015 has celebrated every year on the last day of September, the European Sports Week to promote sporting activity and healthy and active lifestyles in order to increase physical and mental well-being of European citizens.
Furthermore, during the Sports Festival weekend, there will be two days of promotional Orienteering and Ping Pong competitions.
An opportunity open to everyone where you can try your hand at two disciplines that are guaranteed to be fun: Afternoon of Saturday 7 October – Orienteering test Morning of Sunday 8 October – Ping Pong test
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